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AL-Ta'ii, Hassan M. Jaber and Rmadhan, Entethar Jamil (2021) The annealing impact on properties of CN-85 polymer NTD. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 178. ISSN 0969-8043, DOI

Aaron, F.D. and Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Martin, M.A. and Alexa, C. and Andreev, V. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Antunovic, B. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Bachynska, O. and Backovic, S. and Baghdasaryan, A. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Barrelet, E. and Bartel, W. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Begzsuren, K. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Belousov, A. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Bizot, J.C. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boudry, V. and Boutle, S.K. and Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I. and Bracinik, J. and Brandt, G. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruncko, D. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bunyatyan, A. and Buschhorn, G. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Bystritskaya, L. and Caldwell, A. and Campbell, A.J. and Avila, K.B.C. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Cerny, K. and Cerny, V. and Chekanov, S. and Chekelian, V. and Cholewa, A. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Contreras, J.G. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and Coughlan, J.A. and Cozzika, G. and Cvach, J. and D'Agostini, G. and Dainton, J.B. and Dal Corso, F. and Daum, K. and Deak, M. and de Favereau, J. and Delcourt, B. and Del Degan, M. and del Peso, J. and Delvax, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and De Wolf, E.A. and Diaconu, C. and Dobur, D. and Dodonov, V. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Dossanov, A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Dubak, A. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eckerlin, G. and Efremenko, V. and Egli, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Eliseev, A. and Elsen, E. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Falkiewicz, A. and Fang, S. and Favart, L. and Fazio, S. and Fedotov, A. and Felst, R. and Feltesse, J. and Ferencei, J. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Fischer, D.J. and Fleischer, M. and Fomenko, A. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gabathuler, E. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Gayler, J. and Geiser, A. and Ghazaryan, S. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Glazov, A. and Glushkov, I. and Goerlich, L. and Gogitidze, N. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Gouzevitch, M. and Grab, C. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Greenshaw, T. and Gregor, I. and Grell, B.R. and Grigorescu, G. and Grindhammer, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Habib, S. and Haidt, D. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Helebrant, C. and Henderson, R.C.W. and Hennekemper, E. and Henschel, H. and Herbst, M. and Herrera, G. and Hildebrandt, M. and Hilger, E. and Hiller, K.H. and Hochman, D. and Hoffmann, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horisberger, R. and Horton, K. and Hreus, T. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jacquet, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Janssen, X. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Joensson, L. and Jung, A.W. and Jung, H. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Kapichine, M. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Katzy, J. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Kenyon, I.R. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kiesling, C. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, M. and Klein, U. and Kleinwort, C. and Kluge, T. and Knutsson, A. and Koffeman, E. and Kogler, R. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kostka, P. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kraemer, M. and Krastev, K. and Kretzschmar, J. and Kropivnitskaya, A. and Krueger, K. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kutak, K. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Landon, M.P.J. and Lange, W. and Lastovicka-Medin, G. and Laycock, P. and Lebedev, A. and Lee, A. and Leibenguth, G. and Lendermann, V. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levonian, S. and Levy, A. and Li, G. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lipka, K. and Liptaj, A. and Lisovyi, M. and List, B. and List, J. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Loktionova, N. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lopez-Fernandez, R. and Lubimov, V. and Lukasik, J. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makankine, A. and Makarenko, I. and Malinovski, E. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Marage, P. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Marti, L. and Martin, J.F. and Martyn, H. 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Ab Aziz, Atiqah and Nordin, Fatin Nur Majdina and Zakaria, Zalina and Abu Bakar, Nor Kartini (2022) A systematic literature review on the current detection tools for authentication analysis of cosmetic ingredients. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 21 (1). pp. 71-84. ISSN 1473-2130, DOI

Ab Mutalib, Nurul Asyikeen and Hsueh, An-Ju and Deng, Yi and Suzuki, Miho and Wu, Chia-Chien and Shirato, Yusuke and Suzuki, Hiroaki (2024) Potential modulation and control of redox reactions at bipolar electrodes using an ion-selective membrane. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 171 (2). ISSN 0013-4651, DOI

Ab Rasid, Aina Munirah and Musa, Rabiu Muazu and Majeed, Anwar P. P. Abdul and Maliki, Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi and Abdullah, Mohamad Razali and Razmaan, Mohd Azraai Mohd and Abu Osman, Noor Azuan (2024) Physical fitness and motor ability parameters as predictors for skateboarding performance: A logistic regression modelling analysis. PLoS ONE, 19 (2). e0296467. ISSN 1932-6203, DOI

Ab Wahab, Norfarhanah and Sairi, Nor Asrina and Alias, Yatimah (2022) Photocatalytic activities enhancement of manganese doped ZnO by decoration on CNT for degradation of organic pollutants under solar irradiation. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 128 (1). ISSN 0947-8396, DOI

Ab-Rahim, Nurhidayah and Ismail, Wan Ismahanisa and Fikri Roslan, Muhammad Nabil and Hafiz Mail, Mohd and Che Lamin, Roz Azinur and Ismail, Salmah (2019) Antibacterial Activity of Hoya Diversifolia Ethanolic Leaves Extract. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 12 (2). pp. 857-862. ISSN 0974-6242, DOI

Abatan, Olubunmi G. and Alaba, Peter A. and Oni, Babalola A. and Akpojevwe, Kelvin and Efeovbokhan, Vincent and Abnisa, Faisal (2020) Performance of eggshells powder as an adsorbent for adsorption of hexavalent chromium and cadmium from wastewater. SN Applied Sciences, 2 (12). ISSN 2523-3963, DOI (In Press)

Abatcha, M.G. and Zakaria, Z. and Gurmeet, K.D. and Thong, Kwai Lin (2015) Antibiograms, Resistance Genes, Class I Integrons and PFGE profiles of Zoonotic Salmonella in Malaysia. Antibiograms, Resistance Genes, Class I Integrons and PFGE profiles of Zoonotic Salmonella in Malaysia, 32 (4). pp. 573-586.

Abatcha, M.G. and Zakaria, Z. and Kaur, D.G. and Thong, Kwai Lin (2014) A trends of Salmonella and antibiotic resistance. Advances in Life Science and Technology, 17. pp. 9-21. ISSN 2224-7181,

Abbas, A. and Hussain, S. and Hafeez, N. and Lo, K.M. and Hasan, A. (2010) 1-[5-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]ethanone. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (12). O3174-U680. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abbas, A. and Hussain, S. and Hafeez, N. and Lo, K.M. and Hasan, A. (2010) 1-{5-[4-(Hexyloxy)phenyl]-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl}ethan one. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (10). O2505-U1872. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abbas, Ahmad Rosly and Low, K.S. and Ahmad, Mohd Noh and Chan, Jin Hooi and Sasekumar, A. and Abdul Ghaffar, Fauza and Salleh, Kharulmaini Osman and John, K.R. and Saad, Abdul Yamin and Zahari, Wan Aida Wan and Phua, Y.T. and Phua, Y.N. and Wong, Y.Y. and Jamaludin, Mashitah and Mohammed, Mohd Nor and Jaafar, Shaari and Phoon, Hee Yau (2005) Assessment parameters for coal-fired generation plant site selection. International Energy Journal, 6 (1). pp. 445-454. ISSN 1513-718X,

Abbas, Muhammad and Jam, Farooq Ahmed and Khan, Tariq Iqbal (2024) Is it harmful or helpful? Examining the causes and consequences of generative AI usage among university students. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21 (1). p. 10. ISSN 2365-9440, DOI

Abbasi, M.A. and Aziz, Ur-Rehman and Akkurt, M. and Jahangir, M. and Ng, S.W. and Khan, I.U. (2010) Ammonium [(1S)-(endo,anti)]-(-)-3-bromocamphor-8-sulfonate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (7). O1707-U607. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abbo, Hanna S. and Gupta, K. C. and Khaligh, Nader G. and Titinchi, Salam J. J. (2021) Carbon nanomaterials for wastewater treatment. HEMBIOENG Reviews, 8 (5). pp. 463-489. ISSN 2196-9744, DOI

Abd Aziz, Nazrin and Tan, Boon Chin and Othman, Rofina Yasmin and Khalid, Norzulaani (2018) Efficient micropropagation protocol and genome size estimation of an important cover crop, Mucuna bracteata DC. ex Kurz. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 132 (2). pp. 267-278. ISSN 0167-6857, DOI

Abd Halim, Adyani Azizah and Abdul Kadir, Habsah and Tayyab, Saad (2008) Guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation of bovine serum albumin: A comparative study and analysis using different probes. Malaysian Journal of Science, 27 (2). pp. 9-17. ISSN 1394-3065,

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Abd Rahman, Abdull Razak and Che Cob, Zaidi and Jamari, Zainoddin and Mohamed, Abdul Majid and Toda, Tatsuki and Ross, Othman Haji (2018) The Effects of Microalgae as Live Food for Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifer) in Intensive Culture System. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 29 (1). pp. 127-138. ISSN 1985-3718, DOI

Abd Rahman, Mohd Nazri and Shuhaimi, Ahmad and Abdul Khudus, Muhammad Imran Mustafa and Anuar, Afiq and Zainorin, Mohamed Zulhakim and Talik, Noor Azrina and Chanlek, Narong and Abd Majid, Wan Haliza (2021) Diminishing the Induced Strain and Oxygen Incorporation on Aluminium Nitride Films Deposited Using Pulsed Atomic-Layer Epitaxy Techniques at Standard Pressure MOCVD. Journal of Electronic Materials, 50 (4). pp. 2313-2322. ISSN 0361-5235, DOI

Abd Rahman, Mohd Nazri and Shuhaimi, Ahmad and Seng, Ooi Chong and Tan, Gary and Anuar, Afiq and Talik, Noor Azrina and Abdul Khudus, Muhammad Imran Mustafa and Chanlek, Narong and Abd Majid, Wan Haliza (2021) The crystallographic quality and band-edge transition of as-deposited PALE AlN films via metal organic chemical vapor deposition. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32 (3). pp. 3211-3221. ISSN 0957-4522, DOI

Abd Rahman, Mohd Nazri and Shuhaimi, Ahmad and Yusuf, Yusnizam and Li, Hongjian and Sulaiman, Abdullah Fadil and Alif Samsudin, Muhammad Esmed and Zainal, Norzaini and Abdul Khudus, Muhammad Imran Mustafa (2018) Standard pressure deposition of crack-free AlN buffer layer grown on c-plane sapphire by PALE technique via MOCVD. Superlattices and Microstructures, 120. pp. 319-326. ISSN 0749-6036, DOI

Abd Rahman, Mohd Nazri and Talik, Noor Azrina and Abdul Khudus, Muhammad Imran Mustafa and Sulaiman, Abdullah Fadil and Allif, Kamarul and Zahir, Norhilmi Mohd and Shuhaimi, Ahmad (2019) Ammonia flux tailoring on the quality of AlN epilayers grown by pulsed atomic-layer epitaxy techniques on (0 0 0 1)-oriented sapphire substrates via MOCVD. CrystEngComm, 21 (12). pp. 2009-2017. ISSN 1466-8033, DOI

Abd Rauf, Rose Amnah and Sathasivam, Renuka V. and Abdul Rahim, Suzieleez Syrene (2019) STEM education in schools: Teachers’ readiness to change. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 14 (Sp.). pp. 34-42. ISSN 1823-4690,

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AbdRabbuh, O. Almatar and Kazi, S.N. and Zubir, Mohd Nashrul Mohd and Chowdhury, Zaira Zaman and Abdelrazek, Ali H. (2024) Heat transfer inside annular passages: A comparison of noncircular and fully circular passages using eco-friendly graphene nanofluid. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 60. p. 104659. ISSN 2214-157X, DOI

Abdalla, Yasir Osman Ali and Nyamathulla, Shaik and Shamsuddin, Noorasyikin and Arshad, Norhafiza Mohd and Mun, Kein Seong and Awang, Khalijah and Nagoor, Noor Hasima (2018) Acute and 28-day sub-acute intravenous toxicity studies of 1’-S-1′-acetoxychavicol acetate in rats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 356. pp. 204-213. ISSN 0041-008X, DOI

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Abdel-Aziz, H.A. and Bari, A. and Ng, S.W. (2010) 3-Acetyl-5-methyl-1-(4-methylphenyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). O3010-U1872. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abdelakader, Alleg and Ahmed, Benamara and Noureddine, Moulay and Mokhtar, Berrahal and Abdelhalim, Zoukel and Omar, Mansour and Djillali, Bensaid and Yahia, Azzaz and Al-Douri, Y. (2024) Theoretical investigations of electronic, thermodynamic and thermoelectric properties of filled skutterudites ThFe4P12 and CeFe4P12 using DFT calculations. Solid State Communications, 380. p. 115435. ISSN 0038-1098, DOI

Abdellatif, Abdallah and Abdellatef, Hamdan and Kanesan, Jeevan and Chow, Chee-Onn and Chuah, Joon Huang and Gheni, Hassan Muwafaq (2022) An effective heart disease detection and severity level classification model using machine learning and hyperparameter optimization methods. IEEE Access, 10. pp. 79974-79985. ISSN 2169-3536, DOI

Abdelwahab, S.I. and Mariod, A.A. and Taha, M.M.E. and Zaman, F.Q. and Abdelmageed, A.H.A. and Khamis, S. and Sivasothy, Y. and Awang, Khalijah (2017) Chemical composition and antioxidant properties of the essential oil of Cinnamomum altissimum Kosterm. (Lauraceae). Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 10 (1). pp. 131-135. ISSN 1878-5352, DOI

Abdelwahab, S.I. and Zaman, F.Q. and Mariod, A.A. and Yaacob, M. and Abdelmageed, A.H.A. and Khamis, S. (2010) Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of the essential oils of Etlingera elatior and Cinnamomum pubescens Kochummen. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90 (15). pp. 2682-2688. ISSN 0022-5142,

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Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, Ie. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J. D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Yu. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. . and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazloz, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W. A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Inclusive-jet cross sections in NC DIS at HERA and a comparison of the k(T), anti-k(T) and SIScone jet algorithms. Physics Letters B, 691 (3). pp. 127-137.

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J.D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Y. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribeestrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, O. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Measurement of D+ and Lambda(+)(c) production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. Journal of High Energy Physics (11).

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J.D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Y. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. (2010) Measurement of beauty production in DIS and F-2(b(b)over-bar) extraction at ZEUS. The European Physical Journal C, 69 (3-4). pp. 347-360. ISSN 1434-6044,

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Aushev, V. and Behnke, O. and Behrens, U. and Bertolin, A. and Bloch, I. and Brock, I. and Brook, N.H. and Brugnera, R. and Bruni, A. and Bussey, P.J. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Catterall, C.D. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Corradi, M. and Dementiev, R.K. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dusini, S. and Ferrando, J. and Foster, B. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gizhko, A. and Gladilin, L.K. and Golubkov, Yu. A. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Hlushchenko, O. and Hochman, D. and Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin and Iga, Y. and Jomhari, N.Z. and Kadenko, I. and Kananov, S. and Karshon, U. and Kaur, P. and Kisielewska, D. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotański, A. and Kovalchuk, N. and Kowalski, H. and Krupa, B. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Lisovyi, M. and Löhr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Longhin, A. and Lukina, O. Yu. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Masciocchi, S. and Mohamad Idris, F. and Mohammad Nasir, N. and Myronenko, V. and Nagano, K. and Nam, J.D. and Nicassio, M. and Onderwaater, J. and Onishchuk, Yu. and Paul, E. and Pidhurskyi, I. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Przybycień, M. and Quintero, A. and Ruspa, M. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schneekloth, U. and Schörner-Sadenius, T. and Selyuzhenkov, I. and Shchedrolosiev, M. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shyrma, Yu. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Słomiński, W. and Solano, A. and Stanco, L. and Stefaniuk, N. and Stern, A. and Stopa, P. and Surrow, B. and Sztuk-Dambietz, J. and Tassi, E. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Turkot, O. and Tymieniecka, T. and Verbytskyi, A. and Wan Abdullah, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin and Wichmann, K. and Wing, M. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Żarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zhautykov, B.O. (2019) Limits on contact interactions and leptoquarks at HERA. Physical Review D, 99 (9). 092004. ISSN 2470-0010, DOI

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B. A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukasik, J. and Lukina, O.Y.. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.Mohamad and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J. D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Y. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Solomin, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA (vol 06, 009, 2010). Journal of High Energy Physics (10).

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Fourletov, S. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukasik, J. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J.D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schonberg, V. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Solomin, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zenaiev, O. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. Journal of High Energy Physics (6).

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Ahmad, Harith and Makhfuz, Maryam Jasmine Mohd and Yusoff, Norazriena and Zakaria, Rozalina (2024) The effect of Ti2C MXene on the performance of optical fiber-based surface plasmon resonance sensor towards lead detection. Materials Science and Engineering: B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 302. p. 117232. ISSN 0921-5107, DOI

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Ahmad, Harith and Thambiratnam, K. and Zulkifli, Ahmad Zarif and Lawrence, A. and Jasim, A.A. and Kunasekaran, W. and Musa, S. and Gnanasegaran, N. and Vasanthan, P. and Jayaraman, P. and Kasim, N.H.A. and Govindasamy, V. and Shahrir, M.S. and Harun, Sulaiman Wadi (2013) Quantification of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Rates through Secretory and Excretory Biomolecules in Conditioned Media via Fresnel Reflection. Sensors, 13 (10). pp. 13276-13288. ISSN 1424-8220, DOI

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