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Aaron, F.D. and Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Martin, M.A. and Alexa, C. and Andreev, V. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Antunovic, B. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Bachynska, O. and Backovic, S. and Baghdasaryan, A. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Barrelet, E. and Bartel, W. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Begzsuren, K. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Belousov, A. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Bizot, J.C. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boudry, V. and Boutle, S.K. and Bozovic-Jelisavcic, I. and Bracinik, J. and Brandt, G. and Brinkmann, M. and Brisson, V. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruncko, D. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bunyatyan, A. and Buschhorn, G. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Bystritskaya, L. and Caldwell, A. and Campbell, A.J. and Avila, K.B.C. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Cerny, K. and Cerny, V. and Chekanov, S. and Chekelian, V. and Cholewa, A. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Contreras, J.G. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and Coughlan, J.A. and Cozzika, G. and Cvach, J. and D'Agostini, G. and Dainton, J.B. and Dal Corso, F. and Daum, K. and Deak, M. and de Favereau, J. and Delcourt, B. and Del Degan, M. and del Peso, J. and Delvax, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and De Wolf, E.A. and Diaconu, C. and Dobur, D. and Dodonov, V. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Dossanov, A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Dubak, A. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eckerlin, G. and Efremenko, V. and Egli, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Eliseev, A. and Elsen, E. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Falkiewicz, A. and Fang, S. and Favart, L. and Fazio, S. and Fedotov, A. and Felst, R. and Feltesse, J. and Ferencei, J. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Fischer, D.J. and Fleischer, M. and Fomenko, A. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gabathuler, E. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Gayler, J. and Geiser, A. and Ghazaryan, S. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Glazov, A. and Glushkov, I. and Goerlich, L. and Gogitidze, N. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Gouzevitch, M. and Grab, C. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Greenshaw, T. and Gregor, I. and Grell, B.R. and Grigorescu, G. and Grindhammer, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Habib, S. and Haidt, D. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Helebrant, C. and Henderson, R.C.W. and Hennekemper, E. and Henschel, H. and Herbst, M. and Herrera, G. and Hildebrandt, M. and Hilger, E. and Hiller, K.H. and Hochman, D. and Hoffmann, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horisberger, R. and Horton, K. and Hreus, T. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jacquet, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Janssen, X. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Joensson, L. and Jung, A.W. and Jung, H. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Kapichine, M. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Katzy, J. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Kenyon, I.R. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kiesling, C. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, M. and Klein, U. and Kleinwort, C. and Kluge, T. and Knutsson, A. and Koffeman, E. and Kogler, R. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kostka, P. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kraemer, M. and Krastev, K. and Kretzschmar, J. and Kropivnitskaya, A. and Krueger, K. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kutak, K. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Landon, M.P.J. and Lange, W. and Lastovicka-Medin, G. and Laycock, P. and Lebedev, A. and Lee, A. and Leibenguth, G. and Lendermann, V. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levonian, S. and Levy, A. and Li, G. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lipka, K. and Liptaj, A. and Lisovyi, M. and List, B. and List, J. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Loktionova, N. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lopez-Fernandez, R. and Lubimov, V. and Lukasik, J. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makankine, A. and Makarenko, I. and Malinovski, E. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Marage, P. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Marti, L. and Martin, J.F. and Martyn, H. U. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Maxfield, S.J. and Mehta, A. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Meyer, A.B. and Meyer, H. and Meyer, H. and Meyer, J. and Miglioranzi, S. and Mikocki, S. and Milcewicz-Mika, I. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Moreau, F. and Morozov, A. and Morris, J.D. and Morris, J.V. and Mozer, M.U. and Mudrinic, M. and Mueller, K. and Murin, P. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Naumann, T. and Newman, P.R. and Nicholass, D. and Niebuhr, C. and Nigro, A. and Nikiforov, A. and Nikitin, D. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, G. and Nowak, K. and Nowak, R.J. and Nozicka, M. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olivier, B. and Olkiewicz, K. and Olsson, J.E. and Onishchuk, Y. and Osman, S. and Ota, O. and Ozerov, D. and Palichik, V. and Panagoulias, I. and Pandurovic, M. and Papadopoulou, T. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Pascaud, C. and Patel, G.D. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pejchal, O. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perez, E. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Petrukhin, A. and Picuric, I. and Piec, S. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Pitzl, D. and Placakyte, R. and Plucinski, P. and Pokorny, B. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polifka, R. and Polini, A. and Povh, B. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Radescu, V. and Rahmat, A.J. and Raicevic, N. and Raspiareza, A. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reimer, P. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Rizvi, E. and Robertson, A. and Robmann, P. and Roland, B. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Roosen, R. and Rostovtsev, A. and Rotaru, M. and Rubinsky, I. and Tabasco, J.E.R. and Rurikova, Z. and Rusakov, S. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salek, D. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sankey, D.P.C. and Sartorelli, G. and Sauter, M. and Sauvan, E. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schmitt, S. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoeffel, L. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoening, A. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schultz-Coulon, H.C. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Sefkow, F. and Shaw-West, R.N. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Shtarkov, L.N. and Shushkevich, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Sloan, T. and Slominski, W. and Smiljanic, I. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Soloviev, Y. and Son, D. and Sopicki, P. and Sorokin, Iu. and Sosnovtsev, V. and South, D. and Spaskov, V. and Specka, A. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Staykova, Z. and Steder, M. and Stella, B. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stoicea, G. and Stopa, P. and Straumann, U. and Suchkov, S. and Sunar, D. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sykora, T. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Tchoulakov, V. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Thompson, G. and Thompson, P.D. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Toll, T. and Tomasz, F. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tran, T.H. and Traynor, D. and Trinh, T.N. and Truoel, P. and Tsakov, I. and Tseepeldorj, B. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Turnau, J. and Tymieniecka, T. and Urban, K. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Valkarova, A. and Vallee, C. and Van Mechelen, P. and Trevino, A.V. and Vazdik, Y. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vinokurova, S. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volchinski, V. and Volynets, O. and von den Driesch, M. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Wegener, D. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wissing, C. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Wuensch, E. and Yaguenes-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zacek, J. and Zalesak, J. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhang, Z. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhokin, A. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zimmermann, T. and Zohrabyan, H. and Zolko, M. and Zomer, F. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zus, R. and Collaboration, H1 and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Events with an isolated lepton and missing transverse momentum and measurement of W production at HERA. Journal of High Energy Physics (3).

Ab Latiff, K. and Bakar, Nor Kartini Abu and Md Isa, N. (2010) Preliminary study of difenoconazole residues in rice paddy watersheds. Malaysian Journal of Science, 29 (1). pp. 73-79. ISSN 1394-3065,

Ab Rahman, Asmak and Mohamad, Shamsiah (2010) Analysis of Tabarru` Principle in Takaful Contract: Malaysian Experience. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2010), 26-28 February, 2010, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Abbas, A. and Hussain, S. and Hafeez, N. and Badshah, A. and Hasan, A. and Lo, K.M. (2010) (E)-4-Nitrobenzaldehyde oxime. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (5). O1130-U580. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abbas, A. and Hussain, S. and Hafeez, N. and Lo, K.M. and Hasan, A. (2010) 1-[5-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]ethanone. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (12). O3174-U680. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abbas, A. and Hussain, S. and Hafeez, N. and Lo, K.M. and Hasan, A. (2010) 1-{5-[4-(Hexyloxy)phenyl]-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl}ethan one. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (10). O2505-U1872. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abbas, Hazzim F. and Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan (2010) Influence of reactor material and activated carbon on the thermocatalytic decomposition of methane for hydrogen production. Applied Catalysis A: General, 388 (1-2). pp. 232-239. ISSN 0926-860X, DOI

Abbasi, M.A. and Aziz, Ur-Rehman and Akkurt, M. and Jahangir, M. and Ng, S.W. and Khan, I.U. (2010) Ammonium [(1S)-(endo,anti)]-(-)-3-bromocamphor-8-sulfonate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (7). O1707-U607. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abd Aziz, A.R. (2010) Proses pembuatan gambus masyarakat melayu Brunei Sabah = The process of making the Sabah Malay Bruneian ”Gambus”. Kekal Abadi, 28 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0127-2578,

Abd Aziz, N. and Musa, G. and Sulaiman, A. (2010) The influence of predictors on travel web site adoption among Malaysian travellers. African Journal of Marketing Management, 2 (6). pp. 107-122.

Abd Aziz, N. and Musa, G. and Sulaiman, A. (2010) The influence of travel motivations and social factors on travel web site usage among Malaysian travellers. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 3 (1). pp. 89-116. ISSN 1985-4064,

Abd Jamil, Juraina and Teoh, B.-T. and Hassan, E.H. and Roslan, N. and AbuBakar, Sazaly (2010) Molecular identification of adenovirus causing respiratory tract infection in pediatric patients at the University of Malaya Medical Center. BMC Pediatrics, 10 (46). ISSN 1471-2431, DOI (Submitted)

Abd Rahim, N. and Chaniago, K. and Selvaraja, J. (2010) A modified H-bridge multilevel inverter for photovoltaic system. IEICE Electronics Express, 7 (11). pp. 751-758.

Abd Rahim, R.A. and Abdul Mukti, M.F. and Md Nor, R. (2010) Pemodenan dan kesejahteraan manusia dari perspektif orientalism. In: Seminar Serantau Islam dan Kesejahteraan Sejagat, 24-25 Februari 2010, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali Brunei Darussalam. (Unpublished)

Abd Rashid, R. and Irnee, W.A. and Zahari, M.A. and Nordin, A.S.A. and Sulaiman, A.H. and Robson, N.Z. and Peters, H. and Said, M.A. and Harun, N. and Rahim, A. and Habil, H. (2010) Validity and reliability study of Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) in heroin addicts population in Malaysia. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13. p. 48. ISSN 1461-1457,

Abd Rashid, R. and Irnee, W.A. and Zahari, M.M.A. and Nordin, A.S.A. and Robson, N.Z. and Sulaiman, A.H. and Kadir, R.A. and Rahim, D.A.A. and Peters, H. and Said, M.A. and Habil, H. (2010) Alcohol use and psychosocial correlates among aborigines in central penisular Malaysia. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13. p. 47. ISSN 1461-1457,

Abd Shukor, Mohd Hamdi and Toque, J.A. and Ide-Ektessabi, A. (2010) Wear characteristics and adhesion behavior of calcium phosphate thin-films. Key Engineering Materials, 443. pp. 469-474. ISSN 0878492674,

Abd-Jamil, J. and Teoh, B.T. and Hassan, E.H. and Roslan, N. and AbuBakar, Sazaly (2010) Molecular identification of adenovirus causing respiratory tract infection in pediatric patients at the University of Malaya Medical Center. BMC Pediatrics, 10. p. 46. ISSN 1471-2431,

Abd-Rahman, M.K. and Selvakennedy, S. and Ahmad, Harith (2010) Numerical modeling of edfl and brillouin erbium fiber laser. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 19 (2). pp. 281-293.

Abdel-Aziz, H.A. and Bari, A. and Aboul-Fadl, T. and Ng, S.W. (2010) (Z)-3-Hydrazinylidene-1-phenylindolin-2-one. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). O3014-U1900. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abdel-Aziz, H.A. and Bari, A. and Ng, S.W. (2010) 3,4,7-Trimethyl-2-(4-methylphenyl)-2H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyridazin-5-ium thiocyanate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (12). O3344-U2218. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abdel-Aziz, H.A. and Bari, A. and Ng, S.W. (2010) 3-Acetyl-5-methyl-1-(4-methylphenyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). O3010-U1872. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abdelaziz, Mahrez and Mohamed Rehan, Karim (2010) Rheological evaluation of bituminous binder modified with waste plastic material. In: 5th International Symposium on Hydrocarbons & Chemistry (ISHC5), Sidi Fredj, Algiers, 23 - 25 May 2010. (Unpublished)

Abdelwahab, S.I. and Zaman, F.Q. and Mariod, A.A. and Yaacob, M. and Abdelmageed, A.H.A. and Khamis, S. (2010) Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of the essential oils of Etlingera elatior and Cinnamomum pubescens Kochummen. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90 (15). pp. 2682-2688. ISSN 0022-5142,

Abdolrasol, M.G.M. and Mekhilef, Saad (2010) Robust hybrid anti-islanding method for inverter-based distributed generation. In: 2010 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2010, Fukuoka.

Abdolrasol, M.G.M. and Mekhilef, Saad (2010) Three phase grid connected anti-islanding controller based on distributed generation interconnection. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, PECon2010, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Mukti, F. and Hamat, M.F. and Abd Latif, F. and Ab Hamid, N. (2010) Wasatiyyah dan keamanan global: Kajian terhadap pemikiran ulama Melayu. In: Seminar Serantau Islam dan Kesejahteraan Sejagat, 24-25 Februari 2010, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali Brunei Darussalam.

Abdul Rahim, H. and Ibrahim, F. and Taib, M.N. (2010) System identification of nonlinear autoregressive models in monitoring dengue infection. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 3 (4). pp. 783-806. ISSN 11785608,

Abdul-Malek, S.Al-Tamimi and Ahmed, B. and Mohamed, A. Al-Omar and Ali A, El-Emam and Ng, Seik Weng (2010) N′-[(2-n-Butyl-4-chloro-1H-imidazol-5-yl)­methyl­idene]adamantane-1-carbo­hydrazide sesquihydrate ethanol hemi­solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (8). o2131. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

Abdul-Rahman, H. and Wang, C. (2010) Limitations in current day lighting related solar concentration devices: A critical review. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5 (18). pp. 2730-2756. ISSN 1992-1950,

Abdul-Rahman, H. and Wang, C. (2010) Preliminary approach to improve knowledge management in engineering management. Scientific Research and Essays, 5 (15). pp. 1950-1964.

Abdul-Rahman, H. and Wang, C. and Yap, X.W. (2010) How professional ethics impact construction quality: Perception and evidence in a fast developing economy. Scientific Research and Essays, 5 (23). pp. 3742-3749.

Abdul-Rahman, M. and Kamarulzaman, Y. (2010) A framework of outsourcing relationship marketing: a focus on the Malaysian hotel industry. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 4 (1). pp. 4-18. ISSN 1750-0664, DOI

Abdulalla, S.M. and Kiah, L.M. and Zakaria, O. (2010) A biological model to improve PE malware detection: review. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 5 (15). pp. 2236-2247. ISSN 1992-1950,

Abdulla, M.A. and Ahmed, K.Abdul-Aziz and Abu-Luhoom, F.M. and Muhanid, M. (2010) Role of Ficus deltoidea extract in the enhancement of wound healing in experimental rats. Biomedical Research-India, 21 (3). pp. 241-245.

Abdulla, M.A. and Al-Bayaty, F.H. and Younis, L.T. and Abu Hassan, M.I. (2010) Anti-ulcer activity of Centella asiatica leaf extract against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 4 (13). pp. 1253-1259.

Abdulla, M.H. and Sattar, M.A. and Abdullah, N.A. and Khan, M.A.H. and Swarup, K.R.L.A. and Rathore, H.A. and Ibraheem, Z.O. and Johns, E.J. (2010) Effect of carvedilol and losartan on renal responses to ang ii and adrenergic agonists in fructose-fed rat. Faseb Journal, 24.

Abdulla, M.H. and Sattar, M.Z.A. and Abdullah, N.A. and Khan, M.A. and Rathore, H.A. and Kolla, R.L.A. and Ibraheem, Z.O. and Salman, I.M. and Johns, E.J. (2010) High fructose feeding causes stiffer arteries in sprague-dawley rats. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 58 (2). p. 446.

Abdullah, A.A. and Rahman, H.A. and Harun, Z. and Alashwal, A.M. and Beksin, A.M. (2010) Literature mapping: A bird's eye view on classification of factors influencing project success. African Journal of Business Management, 4 (19). pp. 4174-4182.

Abdullah, Abdul Hafiz and Mohd Yusoff, Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli (2010) Islam dan keadilan sosial menurut pandangan Hamka dalam tafsir al-azhar: Tumpuan khusus kepada kepentingan zakat. In: Seminar Serantau Islam dan Kesejahteraan Sejagat, 24-25 Februari 2010, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali Brunei Darussalam.

Abdullah, Asiri M. and Salman, Khan A. and Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, Seik Weng (2010) 4-Nitroaniline–2,4,6-trimethoxybenz­aldehyde (1/1). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (7). ISSN 1600-5368,

Abdullah, Fauziah and Tin, Tin Su (2010) Enhancement of the cervical cancer screening program in malaysia: a qualitative study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 11 (5). pp. 1359-1366. ISSN 1513-7368, DOI 21198293.

Abdullah, M. and Karim, A.A. and Goh, K.L. (2010) Late presentation of esophageal cancer: Observations in a multiracial South-East Asian population. Chinese Journal of Digestive Diseases, 11 (1). pp. 28-33. ISSN 1443-9611,

Abdullah, N. and Mohamadin, M.I. and Safwan, A.P. and Tiekink, E.R.T. (2010) Aqua(2,2 `-bipyridine-kappa(2) N,N `)(3,5-dinitrobenzoato-kappa O-1)copper(II) tetrahydrofuran monosolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (9). M1055-U231. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abdullah, Nadia and Abu Talib, Abd Rahim and Saiah, Helmey Ramdhaney Mohd and Jaafar, Abdul Aziz and Salleh, Mohamad Amran Mohd (2010) Erratum to “Film thickness effects on calibrations of a narrowband thermochromic liquid crystal” [Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 33 (2009) 561–578]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 34 (6). p. 812. ISSN 0894-1777, DOI

Abdullah-Soheimi, S.S. and Lim, B. and Hashim, Onn Haji and Shuib, A.S. (2010) Patients with ovarian carcinoma excrete different altered levels of urine CD59, kininogen-1 and fragments of inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 and albumin. Proteome Science, 8. p. 58. ISSN 1477-5956, DOI 21083881.

Abedalaziz, N. (2010) Gender related differential item functioning of spatial ability scale. In: Persidangan Inovasi Dalam Penyelidikan Pendidikan, 13 Julai 2010, Universiti Malaya. (Submitted)

Abidin, Zamri Zainal and Bahari Ramadzan Syed Adnan, Syed and Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin (2010) RFI profiles of prime candidate sites for the first radio astronomical telescope in Malaysia. New Astronomy, 15 (3). pp. 307-312. ISSN 13841076, DOI

Abioye, O.P. and Agamuthu, Pariatamby and Abdul Raman, Abdul Aziz (2010) Phytoaccumulation of zinc and iron by jatropha curcas grown in used lubricating oil-contaminated soil. Malaysian Journal of Science, 29 (3). pp. 207-213. ISSN 1394-3065,

Abioye, P.O. and Abdul Raman, Abdul Aziz and Agamuthu, P. (2010) Enhanced biodegradation of used engine oil in soil amended with organic wastes. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 209 (1-4). pp. 173-179. ISSN 0049-6979,

Abnisa, F. and Daud, W.M.A.W. and Jaya Narayan, S. (2010) Optimization and modeling of bio-oil production from palm shell by pyrolysis using response surface methodology. In: International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2010), 21-23 Apr 2010, Singapore.

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bokhonov, V. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Dolinska, G. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gueta, O. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, Ie. and Korzhavina, I. A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J. D. and Mujkic, K. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Yu. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk-Dambietz, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, O. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yagues-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Inclusive dijet cross sections in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA. The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields, 70 (4). pp. 965-982.

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, Ie. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J. D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Yu. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. . and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazloz, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W. A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Inclusive-jet cross sections in NC DIS at HERA and a comparison of the k(T), anti-k(T) and SIScone jet algorithms. Physics Letters B, 691 (3). pp. 127-137.

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J.D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Y. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribeestrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, O. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Measurement of D+ and Lambda(+)(c) production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. Journal of High Energy Physics (11).

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Aggarwal, R. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Gach, G. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J.D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Y. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Zulkapli, Z. (2010) Measurement of beauty production in DIS and F-2(b(b)over-bar) extraction at ZEUS. The European Physical Journal C, 69 (3-4). pp. 347-360. ISSN 1434-6044,

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B. A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Foster, B. and Fourletov, S. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Iacobucci, G. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Korzhavina, I.A. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukasik, J. and Lukina, O.Y.. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Idris, F.Mohamad and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J. D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Onishchuk, Y. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Parenti, A. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Przybycien, M. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Repond, J. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schlenstedt, S. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schneekloth, U. and Schoenberg, V. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Solomin, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Uribe-Estrada, C. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wiggers, L. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zawiejski, L. and Zenaiev, O. and Zeuner, W. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA (vol 06, 009, 2010). Journal of High Energy Physics (10).

Abramowicz, H. and Abt, I. and Adamczyk, L. and Adamus, M. and Antonelli, S. and Antonioli, P. and Antonov, A. and Arneodo, M. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Bachynska, O. and Bamberger, A. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Barbagli, G. and Bari, G. and Barreiro, F. and Bartsch, D. and Basile, M. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Bellagamba, L. and Bertolin, A. and Bhadra, S. and Bindi, M. and Blohm, C. and Bold, T. and Boos, E.G. and Borodin, M. and Borras, K. and Boscherini, D. and Bot, D. and Boutle, S.K. and Brock, I. and Brownson, E. and Brugnera, R. and Bruemmer, N. and Bruni, A. and Bruni, G. and Brzozowska, B. and Bussey, P.J. and Butterworth, J.M. and Bylsma, B. and Caldwell, A. and Capua, M. and Carlin, R. and Catterall, C.D. and Chekanov, S. and Chwastowski, J. and Ciborowski, J. and Ciesielski, R. and Cifarelli, L. and Cindolo, F. and Contin, A. and Cooper-Sarkar, A.M. and Coppola, N. and Corradi, M. and Corriveau, F. and Costa, M. and D'Agostini, G. and Dal Corso, F. and de Favereau, J. and del Peso, J. and Dementiev, R.K. and De Pasquale, S. and Derrick, M. and Devenish, R.C.E. and Dobur, D. and Dolgoshein, B.A. and Doyle, A.T. and Drugakov, V. and Durkin, L.S. and Dusini, S. and Eisenberg, Y. and Ermolov, P.F. and Eskreys, A. and Fang, S. and Fazio, S. and Ferrando, J. and Ferrero, M.I. and Figiel, J. and Forrest, M. and Fourletov, S. and Galas, A. and Gallo, E. and Garfagnini, A. and Geiser, A. and Gialas, I. and Gladilin, L.K. and Gladkov, D. and Glasman, C. and Gogota, O. and Golubkov, Y.A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Grigorescu, G. and Grzelak, G. and Gwenlan, C. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Hamatsu, R. and Hart, J.C. and Hartmann, H. and Hartner, G. and Hilger, E. and Hochman, D. and Holm, U. and Hori, R. and Horton, K. and Huettmann, A. and Ibrahim, Z.A. and Iga, Y. and Ingbir, R. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jakob, H.P. and Januschek, F. and Jimenez, M. and Jones, T.W. and Juengst, M. and Kadenko, I. and Kahle, B. and Kamaluddin, B. and Kananov, S. and Kanno, T. and Karshon, U. and Karstens, F. and Katkov, I.I. and Kaur, M. and Kaur, P. and Keramidas, A. and Khein, L.A. and Kim, J.Y. and Kisielewska, D. and Kitamura, S. and Klanner, R. and Klein, U. and Koffeman, E. and Kollar, D. and Kooijman, P. and Korol, I. and Kotanski, A. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Kulinski, P. and Kuprash, O. and Kuze, M. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lee, A. and Levchenko, B.B. and Levy, A. and Libov, V. and Limentani, S. and Ling, T.Y. and Lisovyi, M. and Lohmann, W. and Loehr, B. and Lohrmann, E. and Loizides, J.H. and Long, K.R. and Longhin, A. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Lukasik, J. and Lukina, O.Y. and Luzniak, P. and Maeda, J. and Magill, S. and Makarenko, I. and Malka, J. and Mankel, R. and Margotti, A. and Marini, G. and Martin, J.F. and Mastroberardino, A. and Matsumoto, T. and Mattingly, M.C.K. and Idris, F.M. and Monaco, V. and Montanari, A. and Morris, J.D. and Musgrave, B. and Nagano, K. and Namsoo, T. and Nania, R. and Nicholass, D. and Nigro, A. and Ning, Y. and Noor, U. and Notz, D. and Nowak, R.J. and Oh, B.Y. and Okazaki, N. and Oliver, K. and Olkiewicz, K. and Ota, O. and Papageorgiu, K. and Paul, E. and Pawlak, J.M. and Pawlik, B. and Pelfer, P.G. and Pellegrino, A. and Perlanski, W. and Perrey, H. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Plucinski, P. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Polini, A. and Proskuryakov, A.S. and Raval, A. and Reeder, D.D. and Reisert, B. and Ren, Z. and Ri, Y.D. and Robertson, A. and Roloff, P. and Ron, E. and Rubinsky, I. and Ruspa, M. and Sacchi, R. and Salii, A. and Samson, U. and Sartorelli, G. and Savin, A.A. and Saxon, D.H. and Schioppa, M. and Schleper, P. and Schmidke, W.B. and Schonberg, V. and Schwartz, J. and Sciulli, F. and Shcheglova, L.M. and Shehzadi, R. and Shimizu, S. and Singh, I. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Slominski, W. and Smith, W.H. and Sola, V. and Solano, A. and Solomin, A. and Son, D. and Sosnovtsev, V. and Spiridonov, A. and Stadie, H. and Stanco, L. and Stern, A. and Stewart, T.P. and Stifutkin, A. and Stopa, P. and Suchkov, S. and Susinno, G. and Suszycki, L. and Sztuk, J. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Tapper, A.D. and Tassi, E. and Terron, J. and Theedt, T. and Tiecke, H. and Tokushuku, K. and Tomalak, O. and Tomaszewska, J. and Tsurugai, T. and Turcato, M. and Tymieniecka, T. and Vazquez, M. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Vlasov, N.N. and Volynets, O. and Walczak, R. and Abdullah, W.A.T.W. and Whitmore, J.J. and Whyte, J. and Wing, M. and Wlasenko, M. and Wolf, G. and Wolfe, H. and Wrona, K. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Yoshida, R. and Youngman, C. and Zarnecki, A.F. and Zenaiev, O. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Zhmak, N. and Zhou, C. and Zichichi, A. and Zolko, M. and Zotkin, D.S. and Collaboration, ZEUS (2010) Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. Journal of High Energy Physics (6).

Abrizah, Abdullah and Ahmad, R. (2010) Systemic barriers: the challenges in the provision of inclusive school libraries in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 15 (2). pp. 19-40.

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Abu Affan, M. and Salam, M.A. and Jusoh, I. and Ng, S.W. and Tiekink, E.R.T. (2010) Aquachlorido{2-[2-(cyclohexylcarbamothioyl-kappa S)hydrazinylidene-kappa N-1]propanoato(2-)}phenyltin(IV). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (9). M1112-U670. ISSN 1600-5368,

Abu Affan, M. and Sam, N. and Ahmad, F. and Ng, S.W. (2010) Di-n-butyl{4-hydroxy-N `-[(2-oxido-1-naphthyl-kappa O)methylene]benzohydrazidato-kappa O-2,N `}tin(IV). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (5). M572-U962. ISSN 1600-5368,

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A. and Korzhavina, I. 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and Galas, A. and Olkiewicz, K. and Pawlik, B. and Stopa, P. and Zawiejski, L. and Adamczyk, L. and Bold, T. and Grabowska-Bold, I. and Kisielewska, D. and Lukasik, J. and Przybycien, M. and Suszycki, L. and Kotanski, A. and Slominski, W. and Bachynska, O. and Behnke, O. and Behr, J. and Behrens, U. and Blohm, C. and Borras, K. and Bot, D. and Ciesielski, R. and Coppola, N. and Fang, S. and Geiser, A. and Goettlicher, P. and Grebenyuk, J. and Gregor, I. and Haas, T. and Hain, W. and Huettmann, A. and Januschek, F. and Kahle, B. and Katkov, I.I. and Klein, U. and Koetz, U. and Kowalski, H. and Libov, V. and Lisovyi, M. and Lobodzinska, E. and Loehr, B. and Mankel, R. and Melzer-Pellmann, I.A. and Miglioranzi, S. and Montanari, A. and Namsoo, T. and Notz, D. and Parenti, A. and Roloff, P. and Rubinsky, I. and Schneekloth, U. and Spiridonov, A. and Szuba, D. and Szuba, J. and Theedt, T. and Tomaszewska, J. and Wolf, G. and Wrona, K. and Yaguees-Molina, A.G. and Youngman, C. and Zeuner, W. and Drugakov, V. and Lohmann, W. and Schlenstedt, S. and Barbagli, G. and Gallo, E. and Pelfer, P.G. and Bamberger, A. and Dobur, D. and Karstens, F. and Vlasov, N.N. and Bussey, P.J. and Doyle, A.T. and Forrest, M. and Saxon, D.H. and Skillicorn, I.O. and Gialas, I. and Papageorgiu, K. and Holm, U. and Klanner, R. and Lohrmann, E. and Perrey, H. and Schleper, P. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Sztuk, J. and Stadie, H. and Turcato, M. and Long, K.R. and Tapper, A.D. and Matsumoto, T. and Nagano, K. and Tokushuku, K. and Yamada, S. and Yamazaki, Y. and Barakbaev, A.N. and Boos, E.G. and Pokrovskiy, N.S. and Zhautykov, B.O. and Aushev, V. and Borodin, M. and Kadenko, I. and Korol, I. and Kuprash, O. and Lontkovskyi, D. and Makarenko, I. and Onishchuk, Y. and Salii, A. and Sorokin, I. and Verbytskyi, A. and Viazlo, V. and Volynets, O. and Zenaiev, O. and Zolko, M. and Son, D. and de Favereau, J. and Piotrzkowski, K. and Barreiro, F. and Glasman, C. and Jimenez, M. and del Peso, J. and Ron, 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Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, S.W. and Asiri, A.M. and Khan, S.A. (2010) A monoclinic modification of 2-[(1,3benzothiazol-2-yl)iminomethyl]phenol. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (7). O1826-U789. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, S.W. and Maah, Mohd Jamil (2010) 5-Ethyl-5-methyl-4-phenyl-5H-1,2,4-triazol-3(4H)-thione. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66. O2224-U1558. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, S.W. and Maah, Mohd Jamil (2010) Bis[(4-chlorobenzyl)triphenylphosphonium] tetra-chloridozincate(II) trihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (6). M690-U914. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, S.W. and Ng, C.H. and Maah, Mohd Jamil (2010) Bis(-5-hydroxy-2-{[2-(N-phenylthiocarbamoyl)hydrazin-1-ylidene]methyl} phenolato)bis[chloridozinc(II)] N,N-Dimethylformamide tetra-solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (5). ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, S.W. and Shawish, H.B. and Maah, Mohd Jamil (2010) {2- (2-Carbamothiolylhydrazin-1-ylidene-kappa N-2(1),S)methyl -6-hydroxyphenolato-kappa O-1}(triphenylphosphine-kappa P)nickel(II) chloride. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66. M1074-U374. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

Tan, Kong Wai and Ng, S.W. and Tajidi, N.S.A. and Abdullah, N. and Arifin, Z. (2010) Diaqua(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-kappa4 N1,N4,N8,N11)copper(II) bis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoate) dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66. M889-U302. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

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Tan, Kong Wai and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Kiran, K. and Sarveswari, S. and Vijayakumar, V. (2010) 3-Acetyl-2-methyl-4-phenylquinolin-1-ium chloride. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66. O2001-U1060. ISSN 1600-5368, DOI

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Zhang, Kou-Lin and Diao, Guo-Wang and Ng, S.W. (2010) 4-(4-Pyridyl)pyridinium 3-amino-5-carboxy-2,4,6-triiodobenzoate-5-amino-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalic acid (1/1). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (12). O3165-U566. ISSN 1600-5368,

Zhang, Kou-Lin and Diao, Guo-Wang and Ng, S.W. (2010) (5-Aminoisophthalato-kappa N)triaqua(1,10-phenanthroline-kappa N-2,N `)cobalt(II) trihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). M1421-U783. ISSN 1600-5368,

Zhang, Kou-Lin and Diao, Guo-Wang and Ng, S.W. (2010) Tetrakis(1H-imidazole-kappa N-3)(2-phenyl-propanedioato-kappa O-2(1),O-3)nickel(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). M1430-U873. ISSN 1600-5368,

Zhang, Kou-Lin and Huang, Han and Ng, S.W. (2010) 2,2 `-Biimidazolium 5-amino-2,4,6-tribromoisophthalate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). O2919-U1091. ISSN 1600-5368, (In Press)

Zhang, M. and Yuan, Xian-You and Ng, S.W. (2010) (5-n-Hexyl-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-dioxan2-yl)methanol. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). O2917-U1069. ISSN 1600-5368,

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Zhou, Y.L. and Zeng, M.H. and Ng, S.W. (2010) catena-Poly[[[dichloridozinc(II)]-mu-1,4-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl- kappa N-3)butane]1,4-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)butane solvate]. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (1). M58-U653. ISSN 1600-5368,

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Zukerman-Schpector, J. and De Simone, C.A. and Olivato, P.R. and Cerqueira, C.R. and Santos, J.M.M. and Tiekink, E.R.T. (2010) 3,3-Bis[(4-chlorophenyl)sulfanyl]-1-methylpiperidin-2-one. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (7). O1863-U1080. ISSN 1600-5368,

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Zulkafli, Abdul Hadi and Amran, Azlan and Samad, M. Fazilah Abdul (2010) Board structure and firm value: A study on listed banking firms in the Asian emerging markets. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 5 (3). pp. 157-177. ISSN 1477-9048,

Zulkifli, M.Z. and Hassan, N.A. and Awang, N.A. and Ghani, Z.A. and Harun, Sulaiman Wadi and Ahmad, Harith (2010) Multi-wavelength fiber laser in the S-band region using a Sagnac loop mirror as a comb generator in an SOA gain medium. Laser Physics Letters, 7 (9). pp. 673-676. ISSN 1612-2011, DOI

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Zvarec, O. and Avery, T.D. and Taylor, D.K. and Tiekink, E.R.T. (2010) Cyclisation of 1,2-dioxines containing tethered hydroxyl and carboxylic acid functionality: Synthesis of tetrahydrofurans and dihydrofuran-2(3H)-ones. Tetrahedron, 66 (4). pp. 1007-1013.

da Silva Lima, C.H. and de Souza, M.V.N. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. and Wardell, J.L. and Tiekink, E.R.T. (2010) N-(2-Chloroethyl)pyrazine-2-carboxamide. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (11). O2886-U819. ISSN 1600-5368,

de Lima, G.M. and Harrison, W.T.A. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Wardell, J.L. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. (2010) (E)-1-(3-Nitrophenyl)-2-({5-[(1E)-2-(3-nitrophenyl)hydrazin-1-ylidene methyl]-2-thienyl}methylidene)hydrazine. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (2). O457-U3363. ISSN 1600-5368,

de Lima, G.M. and Harrison, W.T.A. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Wardell, J.L. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. (2010) (E)-1-Phenyl-2-({5-[(1E)-(2-phenylhydrazin-1-ylidene)methyl]-2-thieny l}methylidene)hydrazine. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (3). O504-U4010. ISSN 1600-5368,

de Lima, G.M. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. and Wardell, J.L. and Tiekink, E.R.T. (2010) A doubly interpenetrated layer structure: 4-Acetamidobenzaldehyde 4-Nitrophenylhydrazone. Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 40 (12). pp. 1159-1162.

de Souza, M.V.N. and Howie, R.A. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Wardell, J.L. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. (2010) 7-Chloro-4-[(E)-N `-(4-fluorobenzylidene)hydrazinyl]quinoline monohydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (1). O152-U2413. ISSN 1600-5368,

de Souza, M.V.N. and Howie, R.A. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Wardell, J.L. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. and Kaiser, C.R. (2010) 7-Chloro-4-[(E)-2-(2-methoxybenzylidene)hydrazin-1-yl]quinoline monohydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (3). O698-U5702. ISSN 1600-5368,

de Souza, M.V.N. and Pinheiro, A.C. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. and Wardell, J.L. (2010) Benzyl N-[(S)-2-hydroxy-1-({[(E)-2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzylidene] hydrazinyl}carbonyl)ethyl]carbamate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (12). O3253-U1393. ISSN 1600-5368,

de Souza, M.V.N. and Pinheiro, A.C. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Wardell, S.M.S.V. and Wardell, J.L. (2010) Benzyl N-{(1S)-2-hydroxy-1-[N'-(2-nitrobenzylidene)hydrazinylcarbonyl]ethyl\ carbamate. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (8). O2023-U1254. ISSN 1600-5368,

von Richthofen, A.A. and Cardoso Filho, J.E.P. and Marzorati, L. and Zukerman-Schpector, J. and Tiekink, E.R.T. and Di Vitta, C. (2010) 5-Methyl-2,4-bis(methylsulfanyl)tricyclo[,7)]undeca-4,9-diene -3,6-dione. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 66 (6). O1259-U131. ISSN 1600-5368,

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