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Abdullah, Baharudin and Latiff, Amir Hamzah Abdul and Manuel, Anura Michelle and Jamli, Faizah Mohamed and Singh, Harvinder Singh Dalip and Ismail, Intan Hakimah and Jahendran, Jeevanan and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Woo, Kent Chee Keen and Khoo, Phaik Choo and Singh, Kuljit and Mohammad, Nurashikin and Mohamad, Sakinah and Husain, Salina and Moesges, Ralph (2022) Pharmacological management of allergic rhinitis: A consensus statement from the Malaysian Society of Allergy and Immunology. Journal of Asthma and Allergy, 15. pp. 983-1003. ISSN 1178-6965, DOI

Afandi, Mohd Farhan and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi and Narayanan, Prepageran and Man, Kein Seong (2022) Combined approach of transnasal and transoral endoscopic surgery in a child with nasal glial heterotopia; Przeznosowy i przezustny dostęp endoskopowy u dziecka z nosową heterotopią glejową. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (4). 382 – 385. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI

Akashah, Nurul Izzah and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Prepageran, Narayanan and Teh, Carren Su-Lin (2022) Longitudinal study of olfactory dysfunction among COVID-19 patients in a single tertiary centre in Malaysia; Badanie przedłużone analizujące występowanie zaburzeń węchu u chorych na COVID-19 w pojedynczym ośrodku o III stopniu referencyjności w Malezji. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (3). 249 – 253. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI


Balachandran, Rekha and Rahmat, Omar (2011) Endoscopic treatment of glottic stenosis secondary to caustic injury with silastic keel placement: A case report. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 66 (2). pp. 152-153. ISSN 0300-5283,

Bee, Cho Yin and Ahmad, Tengku Ezulia binti Tengku Nun and Lim, Chee Chean and Abu Bakar, Mohd Zulkiflee (2024) An observational study of olfactory functions in total laryngectomees. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 281 (5). pp. 2515-2521. ISSN 0937-4477, DOI

Brand, Y. and Lim, E. and Waran, V. and Prepageran, Narayanan (2015) Endoscopic transpterygoidal repair of a large cranial defect with cerebrospinal fluid leak in a patient with extensive osteoradionecrosis of the skull base: case report and technical note. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 129 (12). pp. 1243-1247. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI


Che Ab Rahim, Nurul Asma and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakhty and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2021) Dual retrotympanic aural mass. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (4). ISSN 1757-790X, DOI


Dalolio, Martina and Cordier, Dominik and Al-Zahid, Saif and Bennett, Warren O. and Narayanan, Prepageran and Mathaneswaran, Vickneswaran and Mariani, Luigi and Koeppl, Ruth and Brand, Yves and Roethlisberger, Michel (2022) The role of endonasal endoscopic skull base repair in posttraumatic tension pneumocephalus. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery, 33 (3). pp. 875-881. ISSN 1049-2275, DOI

Deol, Balinder Singh and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2022) A case of a syndromic preterm neonate in a “can ventilate, can’t intubate” condition: Guedel airway to the rescue!; Zastosowanie rurki Guedela u wcześniaka z zaburzeniami drożności górnych dróg oddechowych z powodu wrodzonej wady twarzoczaszki. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (4). 390 – 393. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI


Gao, Esther Yanxin and Tan, Benjamin Kye Jyn and Tan, Nicole Kye Wen and Ng, Adele Chin Wei and Leong, Zhou Hao and Phua, Chu Qin and Loh, Shaun Ray Han and Uataya, Maythad and Goh, Liang Chye and Ong, Thun How and Leow, Leong Chai and Huang, Guang-Bin and Toh, Song Tar (2025) Artificial intelligence facial recognition of obstructive sleep apnea: a Bayesian meta-analysis. Sleep and Breathing, 29 (1). p. 36. ISSN 1520-9512, DOI

Ghauth, Sakina and Tan, Sien Hui (2024) How I do it: Novel use of a modified nasopharyngeal airway in laryngotracheal stenosis as a temporary stent. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 138 (6). pp. 696-698. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Govindaraju, Revadi and Omar, Rahmat and Raman, Rajagopalan and Ramli, Norlisah and Ng, Kwan Hoong (2011) Hearing loss after noise exposure. Auris Nasus Larynx, 38 (4). pp. 519-541. ISSN 0385-8146 , DOI

Govindaraju, Revadi and Prepageran, Narayanan (2021) The role of endoscopic medial maxillectomy in sinus disease. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, 29 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1068-9508, DOI


Hawari, Najihah and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Narayanan, Prepageran (2022) Outcome of new-onset dysphonia in COVID-19 patients in a single tertiary centre; Wyniki leczenia nowo rozpoznanej dysfonii u pacjentów z COVID-19 w jednym ośrodku o trzecim poziomie referencyjności. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (4). 386 – 389. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI


Jeong, Jae Hyun and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Mccaffer, Craig (2025) Aspirated foreign bodies in children: 10-Years experience in a single tertiary centre in New Zealand. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 189. p. 112234. ISSN 0165-5876, DOI

Jeyasakthy, Saniasiaya and Narayanan, P. (2023) Vestibular dysfunction amongst adolescents: what do we know? A review. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 137 (1). pp. 2-6. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI


Karleen, Chong and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy (2021) Cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (5). ISSN 1757-790X, DOI


Lee, Eng Siang and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi and Kok, Wai Leong and Chew, Seow Fun (2022) Atypical presentation of langerhans cell histiocytosis of temporal bone in a toddler. Indian Journal of Otology, 28 (3). pp. 242-245. ISSN 0971-7749, DOI

Lee, Jennifer Peak Hui and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Yusof, Yuzairif (2022) Sudden facial asymmetry with parotid swelling; Parotis sişmesi ile gelişen ani yüz asimetrisi. Gazi Medical Journal, 34 (4). 408 – 410. ISSN 2147-2092, DOI

Liew, Y.T. and Soo, S.S. and Nathan, A.M. and Manuel, A.M. (2017) Congenital nasal cavity stenosis in children with craniosyntosis: A report of 4 rare cases. Auris Nasus Larynx, 44 (5). pp. 635-638. ISSN 0385-8146, DOI

Lim, Chee Chean and Ahmad, Tengku Ezulia Binti Tengku Nun and Bin Sawali, Halimuddin and Bin Afandi, Ahmad Nordin and Paniselvam, Vinota and Bernard, Merlinda W. and Narayanan, Prepageran and Abu Bakar, Mohd Zukiflee (2023) Evaluation of auditory system in obstructive sleep apnea patients. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 280 (5). pp. 2201-2207. ISSN 0937-4477, DOI

Lim, Chee Chean and Ghauth, Sakina and Liew, Yew Toong and bin Abu Bakar, Mohd Zukiflee and Narayanan, Prepageran A. L. (2023) Isolated cervical lymph node sarcoidosis: A diagnostic challenge of a case report. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 280 (2). pp. 925-927. ISSN 09374477, DOI

Lim, Chee Chean and Lu, Jia Lei and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2022) Osimertinib-induced hearing loss: an uncommon aftereffect of a novel drug—a case report. Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology, 38 (1). p. 64. ISSN 1012-5574, DOI

Lim, Chee Chean and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2021) Postauricular swelling secondary to salmonella extradural abscess in a toddler: A near miss condition. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (7). ISSN 1757-790X, DOI

Lim, S. W. and Zulkiflee, Abu Bakar (2021) Objective assessment of nasal resistance among electronic cigarette users. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 135 (7). pp. 616-619. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Lim Khim Hock, Daniel and Tan, Chuey Chuan and Tilakaratne, Wanninayake Mudiyanselage and Goh, Yet Ching (2022) Carcinoma odontogenico esclerosante- revisao de todos os casos publicados: Sua classificacao como tumor maligno e justificavel? Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 88 (1). pp. 118-129. ISSN 1808-8694, DOI

Loh, Z.H. and Chow, T.K. (2021) Swelling of the Nasal Septum: A Case of Nasal Septum Carcinoma. Otorhinolaryngology Clinics, 13 (2). pp. 67-69. ISSN 0975444X, DOI

Loong, Siow Ping and Wong, E.H.C. and Govindaraju, Revadi and Nordin, A. and Brand, Y. and Abu Bakar, Mohd Zulkiflee and Narayanan, Prepageran (2021) Cultural adaptation of sniffin’ sticks test for a Malaysian population. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine, 24 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN 1823-7339, DOI

Loong, Siowping and Al-Azzawi, Sarmad (2022) Facial nerve palsy due to temporal bone metastases: a rare case report. Otorhinolaryngology Clinics, 14 (1). 36 – 37. ISSN 0975444X, DOI


Malik, Muhammad Fawwaz Meor Abdul and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Mohamad, Irfan and Gani, Norhaslinda Abdul (2022) Cervical metastasis masquerading as Kimura disease in a patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma; Przerzut szyjny naśladujący chorobę Kimury u pacjentki z rakiem nosogardzieli. Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (2). 195 – 198. ISSN 17341531, DOI

Menon, P. and Nor, K.M. and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2021) Columella necrosis in a child secondary to nasal continuous positive airway pressure during neonatal period. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 76 (5). pp. 771-773. ISSN 0300-5283,

Musa, Nur Syareena and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Gani, Norhaslinda Abdul (2022) A case of unexpected cheek swelling; Obrzęk policzka związany z torbielą zastoinową zatoki szczękowej – opis przypadku. Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (2). 192 – 194. ISSN 17341531, DOI


Nadia, Nur Izzati and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Gani, Norhaslinda Abdul (2021) Dual aural pathology: Keratosis obturans and cholesteatoma in an adolescent. Gazi Medical Journal, 32 (3). pp. 464-465. ISSN 2147-2092, DOI

Nemmour, Amina and Bakri, Adzreil and Fischer, Claude A. and Brand, Yves (2019) Paediatric oropharyngeal tularaemia requiring surgical intervention. BMJ Case Reports, 12 (9). e229754. ISSN 1757-790X, DOI

Ng, Boon Han Kevin and Tang, Ing Ping and Narayanan, Prepageran and Raman, Rajagopalan and Carrau, Ricardo Luis (2019) Effects of nasal lavage with and without mupirocin after endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery: a randomised, controlled study. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 133 (12). pp. 1059-1063. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Ng, Jia Ji and Ong, Hui Yan and Nasseri, Zara and Azmi, Mohd Imree and Abdullah, Asma (2021) A rare case of an undiagnosed middle ear tumor due to late referral. Cureus, 13 (1). ISSN 2168-8184, DOI

Ngu, Chien Ying Vincent and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2021) Recurrent stridor in an infant. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (9). ISSN 1757-790X, DOI

Ngu, Chien Ying Vincent and Tang, Ing Ping and Ng, Boon Han Kevin and Wong, Albert S. I. I. Hieng and San Liew, Donald Ngian (2021) Endoscopic endonasal approach in clival chordoma surgery: Case series. Indian Journal Of Otolaryngology And Head & Neck Surgery, 73 (2). pp. 226-232. ISSN 2231-3796, DOI


Ong, Hui Yan and Esa, Mimi Ezreena and Ng, Jia Ji and Wahab, Shahawiah Abdul and Kalimuthu, Santhi (2022) Kimura's disease with bilateral parotid involvement: A common presentation with an uncommon diagnosis. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 88. S219 -S222. ISSN 1808-8694, DOI


Pailoor, Jayalakshmi and Ramasamy, Venupriya and Bahnu, Yousoof Saira and Koay, Cheng-Eng and Chang, Kian-Meng and Rajadurai, Pathmanathan (2020) Mantle cell lymphoma of palatine tonsil: A case report. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, 31. ISSN 2213-0071, DOI

Penjor, Dorji and Chong, Aun Wee (2021) A case of Kaposi’s sarcoma of tonsil with profuse bleeding in an HIV-positive patient. Sage Open Medical Case Reports, 9. ISSN 2050-313X, DOI

Ponnuvelu, Komalar and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Abdul Gani, Norhaslinda (2022) Synchronous sinonasal tumour: Double trouble?; Synchroniczny guz zatokowo-nosowy: podwójny kłopot? Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (3). 274 – 277. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI

Ponnuvelu, Komalar and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Gani, Norhaslinda Abdul (2021) Intriguing aural foreign body and algorithm of management of foreign body. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (8). ISSN 1757-790X, DOI


Rahim, N. A. C. A. and Saniasiaya, J. and Kulasegarah, J. (2022) Congenital inferior turbinate hypertrophy: An overlooked entity in newborns and review of the literature. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 136 (2). pp. 181-184. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Raman, K. and Govindaraju, Revadi and James, K. and Abu Bakar, Mohd Zulkiflee and Patil, N. and Shah, Mohammad Nazri Md (2023) Computed tomography analysis of the anterior ethmoid genu of the frontal recess in non-diseased sinuses. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 137 (2). pp. 169-173. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Ramasamy, Kuganatha and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy (2021) A throat that clicks. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 33 (4). pp. 249-251. ISSN 22517251, DOI

Ramasamy, Shalini and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Abidin, Zainal Azmi Zainal (2021) Cholesterol granuloma of the maxillary sinus: A forgotten entity. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 17 (2). pp. 173-175. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI

Ramasamy, Shalini and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Hui, Jennifer Lee Peak and Abidin, Zainal Azmi Zainal (2022) Synchronous nasal mass: A wolf in sheep’s disguise; [„Wilk w owczej skórze”, czyli jednocześnie występujące nowotwory jamy nosowej]. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (3). 278 – 280. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI

Ramasamy, Shalini and Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Zainal Abdin, Zainal A. and Salim, Rosdan (2022) Otological manifestation of vascular loops in a tertiary center in Malaysia: an 18-year experience. Otorhinolaryngology(Italy), 72 (1). 26 – 30. ISSN 27246302, DOI

Ruslan, Raudha Ezaty and Rajagopalan, Raman and Ng, Kee Peng (2019) Fungi in the normal human external ear. Indian Journal of Otology, 25 (2). pp. 76-77. ISSN 0971-7749, DOI


Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Ab Rahim, Nurul Asma Che and Teh, Carren Sui-Lin and Prepageran, Narayanan (2022) Prevalence and Outcome of Olfactory Dysfunction in COVID-19 Patients in a Multiracial Asian Setting. B-ENT, 18 (2). pp. 103-109. ISSN 2684-4907, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Abdul Gani, H. (2021) Aural polyp with facial asymmetry in an unfortunate infant. Malaysian Family Physician, 16 (1). pp. 133-135. ISSN 1985-2274, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Abdullah, Baharudin (2021) Critical review of the literature on conventional septoplasty in children. B-ENT, 17 (3). pp. 186-191. ISSN 26844907, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Islam, Md Asiful and Abdullah, Baharudin (2021) Prevalence and characteristics of taste disorders in cases of COVID-19: A meta-analysis of 29,349 patients. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 165 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 0194-5998, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Islam, Md Asiful and Abdullah, Baharudin (2021) Prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A meta-analysis of 27,492 patients. The Laryngoscope, 131 (4). pp. 865-878. ISSN 0023-852X, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi (2020) Dysphonia and reflux in children: A systematic review. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 139. ISSN 0165-5876, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi and Narayanan, Prepageran (2021) Olfactory dysfunction amongst children and adolescents with laboratory confirmed coronavirus disease 2019: A systematic review. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 135 (11). pp. 953-957. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi and Narayanan, Prepageran (2023) Outcome of canalith repositioning manoeuvre in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in children and adolescents: A systematic review. CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY, 48 (3). pp. 371-380. ISSN 1749-4478, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi and Narayanan, Prepageran (2022) Outcome of eustachian tube balloon dilation in children: A systematic review. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology, 131 (7). pp. 797-804. ISSN 0003-4894, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Mohamad, Irfan and Nadarajah, Sanjeevan (2022) Acute retropharyngeal abscess mimicking a peritonsillar abscess in a child: A diagnostic challenge; Ostry ropień zagardłowy imitujący ropień okołomigdałkowy u dziecka: wyzwanie diagnostyczne. Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna, 18 (4). 394 – 397. ISSN 1734-1531, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Narayanan, P. (2022) Ripple effect of the auditory canal. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, 139 (2). pp. 105-106. ISSN 1879-7296, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Narayanan, P. (2022) Rock in nose. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, 139 (1). 43 -44. ISSN 1879-7296, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Narayanan, Prepageran (2022) Republication de : ripple effect of the auditory canal. Annales Francaises d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-Faciale, 139 (2). 105 -106. ISSN 1879-7261, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Prepageran, Narayanan (2021) Impact of olfactory dysfunction on quality of life in coronavirus disease 2019 patients: A systematic review. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 135 (11). pp. 947-952. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and Salim, Rosdan (2023) Characteristics and diagnostic approach of vestibular migraine in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Auris Nasus Larynx, 50 (2). pp. 218-227. ISSN 0385-8146, DOI

Saniasiaya, Jeyasakthy and van der Meer, Graeme and Toll, Ed C and McCaffer, Craig and Barber, Colin and Neeff, Michel (2024) Familial congenital laryngotracheal stenosis: A systematic review. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 177. ISSN 0165-5876, DOI

Seluakumaran, Kumar and Shaharudin, Majdina N. (2022) Calibration and initial validation of a low-cost computer-based screening audiometer coupled to consumer insert phone-earmuff combination for boothless audiometry. International Journal of Audiology, 61 (10). pp. 850-858. ISSN 1499-2027, DOI

Siriwardena, Bogahawatte Samarakoon Mudiyanselage Samadarani and Udagama, Muthuranwelli Nawaragoda Gedara Pushpakumara and Tennakoon, Tennakoon Mudiyanselage Priyanka Bandara and Athukorala, Demin Achchi Athukoralalage Dona Wimukthi and Jayasooriya, Primali Rukmal and Tilakaratne, Wanninayake Mudiyanselage (2022) Clinical and demographic characteristics of adenomatoid odontogenic tumors: Analysis of 116 new cases at a single center. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 88 (3). pp. 309-315. ISSN 1808-8694, DOI

Subramaniam, S Darmma and Tuang, Geng Ju and Zainal Abidin, Zainal Azmi and Abdullah, Salmi (2022) Case report: Metastatic neck nodes of unknown origin with concurrent tuberculous lymphadenitis. Is fine needle aspiration and cytology (FNAC) adequate? Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 74. 5888 – 5892. ISSN 2231-3796, DOI


Tan, S. H. and Kulasegarah, Jeyanthi and Prepageran, Narayanan (2022) A three-dimensional exoscope system for bilateral simultaneous cochlear implant surgery: how I do it. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 136 (4). pp. 360-362. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

Tan, Sien Hui and Ghauth, Sakina and Liew, Yew Toong and Abu Bakar, Zulkiflee (2024) Cimetidine for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in pregnancy as an alternative adjuvant treatment. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 281 (2). pp. 1053-1055. ISSN 0937-4477, DOI

Tan, Wan Ling and Chua, Kevin L. M. and Lin, Chia-Chi and Lee, Victor H. F. and Tho, Lye Mun and Chan, Anthony W. and Ho, Gwo Fuang and Reungwetwattana, Thanyanan and Yang, James C. and Kim, Dong-Wan and Soo, Ross A. and Ahn, Yong Chan and Onishi, Hiroshi and Ahn, Myung-Ju and Mok, Tony S. K. and Tan, Daniel S. W. and Yang, Fan (2020) Asian thoracic oncology research group expert consensus statement on optimal management of stage III NSCLC. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 15 (3). pp. 324-343. ISSN 1556-0864, DOI

Teh, Carren S. and Iffah, Salim and Prepageran, Narayanan (2022) Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness: A multispecialty survey of clinician awareness and practices in Malaysia. Indian Journal of Otology, 28 (1). 32 – 40. ISSN 09717749, DOI

Teh, Carren Sui Lin and Gima, Erica Anak and Mamat, Hani Binti and Lye, Meng Hon and Din, Sobani Bin and Prepageran, Narayanan (2021) Conducting fukuda stepping test in a noisy clinic and the effects of sound. Indian Journal of Otology, 27 (1). pp. 47-50. ISSN 0971-7749, DOI

Teh, Carren Sui-Lin and Abdullah, Nurul Ain and Kamaruddin, Noor Rafidah and Mohd Judi, Kamariah Binti and Fadzilah, Ismail and Zainun, Zuraida and Prepageran, Narayanan (2023) Home-based vestibular rehabilitation: A feasible and effective therapy for persistent postural perceptual dizziness (a pilot study). Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology, 132 (5). pp. 566-577. ISSN 0003-4894, DOI

Teh, Carren Sui-Lin and Mah, Michelle Clare and Rahmat, Kartini and Prepageran, Narayanan (2022) Neuroimaging systematic review in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness: The Elaborate alterations in the delicate network to remain balanced. Otology & Neurotology, 43 (1). pp. 12-22. ISSN 1531-7129, DOI

Teh, Carren Sui-Lin and Noordiana, Siti Hajar and Shamini, Shanmugalingam and Narayanan, Prepageran (2022) Vascular loops: The innocent bystander for Vestibular paroxysmia. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology, 131 (6). pp. 604-608. ISSN 0003-4894, DOI

Teh, Carren Sui-Lin and Prepageran, Narayanan (2022) The impact of disease duration in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) on the quality of life, dizziness handicap and mental health. Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation, 32 (4). pp. 373-380. ISSN 0957-4271, DOI

Toong, Liew Yew and Ghauth, Sakina and Ong, Yazid Pol and Zulkiflee, Abu Bakar (2022) Drainage of severe descending mediastinitis: 5-year experience in a single tertiary institution. B-ENT, 18 (1). pp. 21-27. DOI


Wan, Ming Hui and Ahmad, Tengku Ezulia Tengku Nun and Naicker, Manimalar Selvi and Abu Bakar, Mohd Zulkiflee (2021) Congenital tongue base lipoblastoma causing neonatal airway compromise. BMJ Case Reports, 14 (1). ISSN 1757-790X, DOI

Wong, Arthur and Abu Bakar, Mohd Zulkiflee (2021) The nasocardiac reflex during nasoendoscopy: A commonly overlooked risk. American Journal of Otolaryngology, 42 (2). ISSN 0196-0709, DOI

Wong, M. S. L. and Prepageran, Narayanan (2021) Preliminary results of a pilot study on the safety and efficacy of balloon dilatation of the Eustachian tube for nasopharyngeal cancer patients with chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction post irradiation. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 135 (8). pp. 691-694. ISSN 0022-2151, DOI

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