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Gusmian, Islah and Abdullah, Mustaffa (2022) Knowledge transmission and kyai-santri network in Pesantren in Java Island during the 20th century: A study on popongan manuscript. Afkar, 24 (1). 159 – 190. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.vol24no1.5.
Hamat, Mohd Fauzi and Shuhari, Mohd Hasrul and Rozali, Muhammad Hafizi and Makdom, Ahmad Hafiz Ali (2021) Implementation of naqli and `aqli on the existence of Allah according to Al-Ghazali based on ihya' `ulum al-din. Afkar, 23 (1). pp. 91-138. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.vol23no1.3.
Harun, Muhammad Safwan and Zulkarnain, Saiful Islam Nor Mohd and Ali, Abdul Karim and Abidin, Mohd Syukri Zainal (2022) The fiqh al-ṭawāri’ thoughts of ‘Abd Allah bin Bayyah on the management of worship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Afkar, 2022 (specia). 141 – 172. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.sp2022no1.5.
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Mansor, Nurul Husna and Abdullah, Raihanah and Mohamad Nor, Azmawaty and Jodi, Khairul Hamimah Mohammad (2022) Curbing promiscuous sex through the practice of fasting: An Islamic approach. Afkar, 24 (2). pp. 205-240. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.vol24no2.6.
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Mohd Akib, Mohd Manawi and Syed Muhsin, Sharifah Basirah (2019) Discussion on the potential of soul according to Ibn Sina and Al-Ghazali (Perbahasan potensi jiwa menurut Ibn Sina dan Al-Ghazali). Afkar, 21 (1). pp. 85-110. ISSN 1511-8819,
Mohd Khambali@Hambali, Khadijah and Mohd Paudzi, Nur Hidayah and Sallam, Abdul Nasser Sultan Mohsen (2021) Islamic perspective on the concepts of interaction among multicultural society. Afkar, 23 (2). pp. 249-274. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.vol23no2.7.
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Paad, Nur Shahidah and Syed Muhsin, Sharifah Basirah and Zainal Abidin, Mohd Syukri (2022) Islamic psychospiritual implementation in motivational model of adolescents’ self-development; implementasi psikospiritual islam dalam pembentukan model motivasi pembangunan diri remaja. Afkar, 23 (2). 405 -444. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.vol23no2.11.
Qatawneh, Mohamed Abdelhamid (2020) Modern schools of thought and their impact on the sectarian texts in the Islamic and Western thought: Hermeneutics as an example. Afkar, 22 (1). pp. 147-186. ISSN 1511-8819,
Qatawneh, Mohammad Abdelhamid Salem and Al-Naimat, Amal Abdallah (2022) Islamic sustainable development theories and their intellectual role in developing education during pandemics. Afkar, 2022. 221 -244. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.sp2022no1.7.
Sa'ari, Che Zarrina and Zarkasyi, Maimunah and Abd Latif, Faizuri (2020) Genealogical transmission of Zakariyya Al-Ansari’s thought on Tawhid to the Malay world scholars with special reference to his Fath Al-Rahman. Afkar (Sp. 1). pp. 173-200. ISSN 1511-8819,
Syed Abdul Rahman, Syed Mohammad Hilmi (2019) الصلاح والأصلح عند المعتزلة والماتريديّة: دراسة مقارنة بين الزّمخشريّ في الكشاف والنّسفيّ في مدارك التنزيل = Al-salah wa al-aslah according to al-mu’tazilah and al-maturidiyyah: A comparative study between al-zamakhshari in al-kashshaf and al-nasafi in madarik al-tanzil. Afkar, 21 (2). pp. 257-292. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.vol21no2.8.
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Tengku Kasim, Tengku Sarina Aini and Mohd Noor, Nur Eliza and Md Yusoff, Yusmini (2022) Challenges in applying a student-centred approach to e-learning for Islamic education in primary schools during the pandemic COVID-19: Preliminary data analysis. Afkar, 2022. 29 – 60. ISSN 1511-8819, DOI https://doi.org/10.22452/afkar.sp2022no1.2.
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