Afshar Ghotli, R. and Abdul Raman, Abdul Aziz and Ibrahim, Shaliza and Baroutian, Saeid and Arami-Niya, A. (2013) Study of various curved-blade impeller geometries on power consumption in stirred vessel using response surface methodology. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 44 (2). pp. 192-201. ISSN 1876-1070, DOI
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The geometry of an impeller is a determining factor in power demand, which in turn determines the cost of mixing operation in stirred tanks. In this work, the power requirements for seven types of 6-curved blade impellers of varying curvature angles and central disk sizes, were analyzed via response surface methodology (RSM) and compared to a Ruston turbine. The experiments were conducted using water as the working fluid in a standard mixing vessel. Power consumptions were measured using a load cell arrangement for a wide range of speeds in both aerated and un-aerated conditions. The data revealed that the power number (NP) of the elliptical shape curved blade was 2.8 whereas for CB180°, CB160° and CB140° were respectively 21, 32 and 75 higher. Furthermore, the power number values for the impeller with a 3/4D central disk size was approximate 3.4, while the impellers with 1/2, 1/4 and without central disk were respectively 15, 20 and 23.5 higher. The results under different gas flow rates illustrated the power reduction of the curved blades impellers, both various central disk sizes and curvature angles, were in the range of 1-20 meanwhile the Rushton turbine was in the range of 5-45. Curvature angle and central disk size found as the significant parameters through variance analysis (ANOVA). The results also indicated that the significance of the central disk size was less than the other variables. The R-squared values indicated a fitting of the models with the experimental data. In conclusion, the curved blade impellers were found to have lower power consumption in both aerated and un-aerated conditions in comparison with the Rushton turbine. © 2012 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Item Type: | Article |
Funders: | UNSPECIFIED |
Additional Information: | Export Date: 13 February 2014 Source: Scopus Language of Original Document: English Correspondence Address: Arami-Niya, A.; Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; email: References: Paul, E.L., Atiemo-Obeng, V.A., Kresta, S.M., (2004) Handbook of industrial mixing, , John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New Jersey; Buwa, V., Dewan, A., Nassar, A.F., Durst, F., Fluid dynamics and mixing of single-phase flow in a stirred vessel with a grid disc impeller: experimental and numerical investigations (2006) Chem Eng Sci, 61 (9), pp. 2815-2822; Khare, A.S., Niranjan, K., An experimental investigation into the effect of impeller design on gas hold-up in a highly viscous Newtonian liquid (1999) Chem Eng Sci, 54 (8), pp. 1093-1100; Ranade, V.V., Mishra, V.P., Saraph, V.S., Deshpande, G.B., Joshi, J.B., Comparison of axial flow impellers using a laser Doppler anemometer (1992) Ind Eng Chem Res, 31 (10), pp. 2370-2379; Montante, G., Mostek, M., Jahoda, M., Magelli, F., CFD simulations and experimental validation of homogenisation curves and mixing time in stirred Newtonian and pseudoplastic liquids (2005) Chem Eng Sci, 60 (8-9), pp. 2427-2437; El-Hamouz, A., Cooke, M., Kowalski, A., Sharratt, P., Dispersion of silicone oil in water surfactant solution: effect of impeller speed, oil viscosity and addition point on drop size distribution (2009) Chem Eng Process, 48 (2), pp. 633-642; Bujalski, W., Nienow, A.W., Chatwin, S., Cooke, M., The dependency on scale of power numbers of Rushton disc turbines (1987) Chem Eng Sci, 42 (2), pp. 317-326; Karcz, J., Major, M., An effect of a Baffle length on the power consumption in an agitated vessel (1998) Chem Eng Process, 37 (3), pp. 249-256; Chen, Z.D., Chen, J.J.J., A study of agitated gas-liquid reactors with concave blade impellers (2000) Mixing and crystalization, pp. 43-56. , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Malaysia, B.S. 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Uncontrolled Keywords: | Curved blade impeller; Curvature angle; Central disk size, Power number (NP); Aerated and un-aerated system; RSM |
Subjects: | T Technology > T Technology (General) T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) T Technology > TP Chemical technology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering |
Depositing User: | Mr Jenal S |
Date Deposited: | 26 Feb 2014 02:07 |
Last Modified: | 06 Dec 2019 08:16 |
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