Moayedi, Ali Akbar and Boyce, Amru Nasrulhaq and Barakbah, Syed Shahar (2010) The performance of durum and bread wheat genotypes associated with yield and yield component under different water deficit conditions. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 106-113. ISSN 1991-8178,
The_Performance_of_Durum_and_Bread_Wheat_Genotypes_Associated_with_Yield_and_Yield_Component_under_Different_Water_Deficit_Conditions.pdf - Published Version Download (361kB) |
Although drought stress has been well documented as an effective parameter in decreasing crop production in arid and semi arid regions, developing and releasing new varieties which are adaptable to water deficit conditions can be a constructive program to overcome unsuitable environmental conditions. The present study was carried out to study the performance of durum and bread wheat genotypes in relation to yield and yield component under different water deficit conditions. The experiment was laid out in split plot based on a complete randomized block design, with three replications at Mashhad Agricultural Research stations in Iran. Irrigation regimes were considered as the main plots and included four levels. Sub-plots were assigned to five wheat genotypes, four durum promising lines and a bread wheat cultivar. The number of spike m -2, number of kernel spike -1 1000-kernel weight, plant height, day to maturity, maturity duration, harvest index, and grain yield were highly significant (P<0.01) affected by water deficit conditions and genotype effects. In addition to this, the effect of genotype on the biological and grain yield was significant (P<0.05). It was observed that water limitation significantly decreased plant height in the early water deficit, while water limitation during double ridge to anthesis reduced the number of spike m -and2 number of kernel spike -1. Besides, water deficit condition at post-anthesis decreased the number of day to maturity, maturity duration, 1000-kernel weight, harvest index and grain yield. Chamran bread wheat cultivar and a promising durum wheat genotype (RASCON37/BEJAH7) produced the highest values for the plant height, kernel numbers, harvest index traits and lastly grain yield compared to all the other genotypes. © 2010, INSInet Publication.
Item Type: | Article |
Funders: | UNSPECIFIED |
Additional Information: | Cited By (since 1996):3 Export Date: 23 April 2013 Source: Scopus Language of Original Document: English Correspondence Address: Moayedi, A. A.; Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; email: References: Araus, J.L., Slafer, G.A., Reynolds, M.P., Royo, C., Plant Breeding and Drought in C3 Cereals: What Should We Breed For? (2002) Annals of Botany, 89, pp. 925-929; Blum, A., Physiological selection criteria for drought resistance (1988) The Future of Cereals For Human Feeding and Development of Biological Research, pp. 191-199. , In: Wittmer, G.(eds.), Int.fair of Agric., 39th, FOGGIA, Italy; Chaves, M.M., Pereira, J.S., Maroco, J., Rodrigues, M.L., Ricardo, C.P., M.L.Osorio, I. Carvalho, T. Faria, and C. Pinheiro (2002) How Plants Cope With Water Stress In the Field. Photosynthesis and Growth. 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Uncontrolled Keywords: | Anthesis, Floral initiation, Grain filling, Grain yield, Water deficit |
Subjects: | Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Science > Institute of Biological Sciences |
Depositing User: | miss munirah saadom |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jul 2013 00:58 |
Last Modified: | 14 Nov 2019 01:55 |
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