Safiuddin, Md. and Jumaat, Mohd Zamin and Salam, M.A. and Islam, M.S. and Hashim, Roslan (2010) Utilization of solid wastes in construction materials. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 5 (13). pp. 1952-1963. ISSN 1992-1950,
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the potential use of various solid wastes for producing construction materials. The paper is based on the comprehensive review of available literature on the construction materials including different kinds of solid wastes. The traditional methods for producing construction materials are using the valuable natural resources. Besides, the industrial and urban management systems are generating solid wastes, and most often dumping them in open fields. These activities pose serious detrimental effects on the environment. To safeguard the environment, many efforts are being made for the recycling of different types of solid wastes with a view to utilizing them in the production of various construction materials. This paper discusses the environmental implications caused by the generation of various solid wastes, and highlights their recycling potentials and possible use for producing construction materials. In addition, this paper shows the applications of solid waste based construction materials in real construction, and identifies the research needs.
Item Type: | Article |
Funders: | UNSPECIFIED |
Additional Information: | 700EI Times Cited:1 Cited References Count:112 Cited By (since 1996):3 Export Date: 16 December 2013 Source: Scopus Language of Original Document: English Correspondence Address: Safiuddin, M.; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada; email: References: Abdullah, K., Hussin, M.W., Zakaria, F., Muhamad, R., Hamid, Z.A., POFA: A Potential Cement Replacement Material in Aerated Concrete (2006) Proceedings of the Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, pp. B132-B140. , In, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Aitcin, P.-C., Laplante, P., The Development of High Performance Concrete in North America (1992) High Performance Concrete, pp. 412-420. , In:, E & FN Spon, London, UK; Algin, H.M., Turgut, P., Cotton and Limestone Powder Wastes as Brick Material (2008) Constr. Build. 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Uncontrolled Keywords: | construction, construction materials, environment, recycling, solid wastes, rice husk ash, oil fuel ash, self-compacting concrete, high-strength concrete, fly-ash, mechanical-properties, building-materials, environmental-impact, brick production, blended cement. |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering |
Depositing User: | Mr Jenal S |
Date Deposited: | 07 May 2013 01:07 |
Last Modified: | 13 Nov 2019 04:59 |
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